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Digitization of alternative investment players 

In this white paper, our consulting firm takes a look at some of the digitalization trends in the alternative investment market in 2022/23.

The challenges of data for alternative investment players
The private equity market in 2023: what are the trends?

The private equity market in 2023: what are the trends?

The private equity market is in turn impacted by the current economic climate. Numerous factors are shaking up the market, creating uncertainty for investors. What is the impact of inflation, of the health crisis, of ecological pressure and...

Asset management: how to secure your data?

Asset management: how to secure your data?

Against a backdrop of digital transformation, the challenges of data security are considerable. What, on the one hand, is seen as a necessity for modernization, a competitive advantage or a feature of economic development also appears to be a...

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How to implement a large-scale agile testing strategy?

Implementing a test strategy as part of a tool migration Large companies have an IS made up of structuring business applications, sometimes involving thousands of different users, spread across several subsidiaries, countries or departments....